
Bilingual Swedish-English: The Big Bad Wolf Strikes It Rich! Den Stora Stygga Vargen ?r Rik!【電子書籍】[ Nicole Russin-McFarland ]





<p>“Adults dissatisfied by manufactured children’s literature, rejoice! The impish satirical tale of The Big Bad Wolf Strikes It Rich! Fairy Tale Memoirs is The Art of the Deal written by Red Riding Hood’s nemesis and it’s all sorts of brilliant.” ー Essex Magazine, giving a very wolfy compliment</p> <p>The bilingual edition of The Big Bad Wolf Strikes It Rich! is perfect for learning a new language at school, home or work for ages 8-1,000. The Big Bad Wolf isn’t who you think he is. For starters, he has a legal name ? Aladdin Todd Jackson ? and from the time he meets the magical genie trapped in a recycled energy drink can, he embarks on a grand, wolfy Wall Street adventure. In stories based on Grimm’s Fairy Tales and European folklore with a modern Manhattan twist, come along as this luxury loving wolf with a heart of gold beneath his scary teeth learns lessons about business and real life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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